20 things about me you may or may not want to know

Hi, welcome to my site! Being the millennial that I claim to be, I thought there’s no better way than a list to introduce myself. Ready, set, read.

1. Alumna of Iona College (Go Gaels).

2. Originally from Maryland.

3. Adopted New Yorker.

4. Writer at heart.

5. Looking to play a role in international development.

6. Worked previously with Global Citizen (no I did not get to meet Beyoncé).

7. For more about my previous work Read: Resumé.

8. Suffer from wanderlust tendencies therefore my passport is one of my most prized possessions.

9. …Other than my bunny (stuffed animal version).

10. One day I hope to own a real bunny.

11. I digress.

12. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family more than anything.

13. I also enjoy the occasional? Netflix binge.

14. Food.

15. I care very much about the global poverty and wish I could alleviate it I Dream of Genie style.  <<Cross arms & blink>>

16. Damn it didn’t work.

17. I’m proud to be a millennial.

18. I let a tarantula climb on me once. I’m not sure why.

19. It took me a while to figure out how to spell tarantula.

20. If you’d like to get to know me outside of listicle form, don’t hesitate to email me at alexmvinci@gmail.com. No spam, please and thank you.